Wednesday, 25 December 2013

To Master M. Macdonald, 17 Portland Square, Carlisle (1909)...

Dear Malcolm,
Many thanks to you and Ian for photos, they were very good. I hope you had a jolly Xmas and that you will all have a very happy New Year. tell Ian I will send him a P.C. soon I shall be very pleased to see James, Ian and yourself. Any time after next Monday. I will be away from home till then. love to all from Jeannie
Hope you are all well.

A Christmas and New Year greeting, sent from Dalston to Carlisle in December 1909. A search of the 1911 census tells me that the recipient, Malcolm Macdonald, was born in 1898, the son of Dr James Macdonald. He, and his other son, Ian, born in 1901, are also mentioned in the greetings.

Published by W R & S Ltd (Reliable Series 187/8)
Postmarked: December 1909